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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

CREATORS - Year 1/2 - Miss Gaffiney

Welcome to the home of the Creators. We are Year 1/2 and we have a love of learning which we show in many different ways. Our class is supported by our teacher, Miss Gaffiney and our amazing teaching assistants, Miss Reed and Mrs Ellis.


The Creators have a thirst for learning and love to ask thought-provoking questions. We are hard workers who take pride in our learning and enjoy creating beautiful work. As a class, we work well together to support each other in our learning. We share our ideas and we care about helping one another succeed. When we get stuck into our learning, we are resilient and thrive for success. However, we know that when we make a mistake, it is something to be celebrated and shared so that we can all learn from it. 

Stay tuned for some up to date photographs of our learning.
