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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Governor Information

Welcome to the Governors' section


Find out a little more about the work of the Local Governing Body…


We work together to help ensure all of the pupils at Oakthorpe Primary School are safe, happy and achieve their very best.


All of the Governors at Oakthorpe are committed to this goal and, through volunteering, bring a variety of different skills and experiences to help support the leadership of the school. We work closely with the Senior Leadership Team - but our role is a strategic one rather than the day-to-day running of the school.


We have three core functions:

  1. To ensure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. To hold the Headteacher to account for the school’s educational performance, and the performance management of staff
  • This includes tasks such as:contributing to the School Improvement Plan and helping to decide priorities for development
  • discussing and ratifying school policies
  • ensuring the children are taught an appropriate curriculum
  • analysing school data
  • managing the performance of the Headteacher
  • agreeing the allocation of resources


We meet together as a full Governing Body at least once a term and take part in a range of different monitoring activities. We always act as a group, not as individuals, and accept collective responsibility for all decisions made. Find out about our different roles in the document below.


We try to play an active role in school life, attending events such as assemblies, performances and open days. We also carry out a number of more formal monitoring visits throughout the year. These could include talking to children, holding discussions with teachers and looking at the children’s workbooks.


We welcome ideas and feedback from all members of the school community. If you would like to contact us more formally, please hand any correspondence to the school office (addressed to Chair of Governors, c/o Oakthorpe Primary School) or email us using the form below.

Mark Foote, Chair of Governors


Oakthorpe Primary School Governors: 

Mr M. Foote (Chair) – Parent Governor

Mr N. Johnson – Co-opted Governor

Mrs R. Culpan - Headteacher

Miss A. Gaffiney - Staff Governor

Mr D Williams - Clerk to Governors

Contact Governors

Please use this form to contact governors
