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Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Homework help

It is important that children spend time remembering and recapping key learning. This helps them to retain key knowledge and make links to new learning as they get older. Homework at Oakthorpe is planned to ensure that children get as much opportunity to recap this key learning as possible.


Each week, children will be given similar tasks – these are outlined below. It is up to individual parents how they organise this time across the week although it is important that reading happens every day. To ensure children improve retention, it might be best for children to get in the routine of recapping their learning every day.

Reception / Year 1

Reading every day

Spellings and phonics

Counting activities and Hit the Button website activities for Year 1

Years 2 and 3

Reading every day

Spellings activities

Times Table Rock Stars – record you timings in your homework book.

Also, 2 or 3 arithmetic questions each week

Years 4, 5 and 6

Reading every day

Spellings activities


Hit The Button Website – See link on Reception and Year 1 class page on the website.

Times Table Rockstars Website – all children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will have a log-in for this and a link to the website can be found on the class pages of the website.

Spelling Website – links can be found on class pages. This is useful for getting a further bank of words for children to practise.

To support children’s organisation of their learning, homework books will include a sheet to support spellings and the recording of times for Times Tables Rockstars and Hit the Button.

Knowledge Organisers

At the beginning of each unit of learning, the children will be given a Knowledge Organiser which outlines the key learning they will be completing as part of the unit of learning. In discussion with parents at the recent forum, they found that this would help to focus conversations at home and help families to know what knowledge to talk about. These will be stuck into the homework books and also displayed on the class page of the website.

Each class will be given a project-based piece of homework. This will be given each half term and it will allow children to decide how they will present their learning and allow their own strengths and personalities to come through. All projects will be celebrated with the children – see homework books for when these projects will be due in.
