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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


In Year 2, we work hard to build on our previous phonics learning so that we are confident readers, writers and spellers. As we move from Phase 5 phonics, we begin to learn the spelling rules in Phase 6 and beyond. 


Learning all of the sounds in Phases 2, 3, 4 and 5 are the key building blocks which all children need in order to become confident readers. In our phonics lessons, we make sure that children are using 'pure sounds' so that they can then easily use these sounds to create words. We also look at High Frequency Words (words which we see all the time in our reading) and Tricky words (words which are not spelt using the phonics rules). All of these aspects come together to help create confident readers. 


Phonics play is a great free resource which we use in school to help practise reading sounds quickly, reading words in sentences and applying phonic knowledge in games. Unfortunately the games do not work without Flash player and so are tricky to use on an I pad.
