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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

INNOVATORS - Year 3/4 - Mrs Gilman

Welcome to the Innovators Class Page! Our class teacher is Mrs Gilman who is supported by Miss Bristow. 


We are a class who enjoy our learning and find inspiration in everything we do, from fractions to swimming! We work together to support each other in our learning, our classroom routines, the behaviour choices we make and our friendships too: this is very important to all of us. 


Please find below links and information to support home learning. Don't forget that the more times children revisit their learning, in school or at home, it is more likely to transfer into their long term memory, providing skills and knowledge for later life. Thank you to all those of you who work so hard to support the children in their learning at home. 



Year 4 reading spine  

Year 3 and 4 recommended reads.

We will be reading a selection of these books as either exerts from or complete texts in class.

We recommend sharing these books at home to support our year 3 and 4 children with their learning.

Boosting our learning power!

The 6Rs
We use the 6Rs to help us understand how

we can improve our learning and develop

positive attitudes and skills for life:


Challenge yourself

Have stickability and never give up

Get lost in learning


Think about what you can do

Tackle problems confidently

Learn from your mistakes


Be curious and ask questions

Always be positive and ready to learn

Read lots, learn lots


Work well with others

Learn from other people

Show active listening


Bring what you need to school every day.

Be responsible for your own learning

Be independent


Being able to recall information

Answering questions


Contact Mrs Gilman

If you have any questions or comments about our learning in year 3/4, please contact Mrs Picken below.
