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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

CREATORS - Year 1/2 - Mrs Rutherford

Welcome to the home of the Creators. We are Year 2/3 and we have a love of learning which we show in many different ways. Our class is supported by our teachers, Mrs Culpan and Miss Langford, and our fantastic teaching assistant, Mrs Mckay.

The Creators have a thirst for learning and love to ask thought-provoking questions. We are hard workers who take pride in our learning and enjoy creating beautiful work. As a class, we work well together to support each other in our learning. We share our ideas and we care about helping one another succeed. When we get stuck into our learning, we are resilient and thrive for success. However, we know that when we make a mistake, it is something to be celebrated and shared so that we can all learn from it. 

  Year 2 reading spine 

Year 2 and 3 Reading Spines - Our recommended reads for each year group in the school

Boosting our learning power!

The 5Rs
 The Character Council have worked together to look back at our 5Rs and have come up with some useful Mindset Habits that will help children to understand how they can improve their learning:


Challenge yourself

Have stickability and never give up

Get lost in learning


Think about what you can do

Tackle problems confidently

Learn from your mistakes


Be curious and ask questions

Always be positive and ready to learn

Read lots, learn lots


Work well with others

Learn from other people

Show active listening


Bring what you need to school every day.

Be responsible for your own learning

Be independent




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Contact Miss Langford

If you have any questions or comments about our learning in year 2/3, please contact Miss Langford below.
