Maths Support
Weekly Homework Activities - Times Tables Rockstars This will be for Years 3-6. Please ask your class teacher if you have forgotten how to log in
Weekly Homework activities - Hit the Button This will be for Year 1 and 2 (and Reception towards the end of the year)
Weekly Homework Help - Corbett Maths This is really useful with videos to explain Key Stage 2 Maths and practise sheets to help with retaining this learning
Mental Maths
Number Fact grids For all year groups to quickly practise number facts.
Calculation Balance For all year groups to demonstrate an understanding of the equals symbol.
Addition and Subtraction
EYFS Calculation Use this link to Topmarks to explore a range of different activities for EYFS children to explore calculation.
EYFS and Key Stage 1 Inverse Machine Use this activity to help explore the inverse of addition and subtraction.
Addition Bingo For all year groups to practice mental addition.
Years 3 and 4 - clolumn addition A great way to show how we use Base 10 apparatus to support an understanding of column addition.
Key Stage 2 - expanded addition Use this activity to explore column addition.
Subtraction on a Number Line A great activity for exploring subtraction on a number line. Suitable for all year groups as you can choose the level you work at.
Multiplication and Division
Key Stage 1 - Multiplication and Division Use this link to Topmarks to select a range of different activities.
Key Stage 2 - grid multiplication Use this activity to explore what has gone wrong with these grid multiplications.
Key Stage 2 - Division with chunking A great activity to exploring how you can partition numbers to support division.
Multiplication Bingo For key stage 2 to practice mental multiplication.