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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Reading Assessment


Alongside assessing children during VIPER sessions we also carry out a number of other reading assessments.


Children share what they are currently reading with an adult based in their class once a week through individual reading. Here they have time to share what they enjoy reading, adults can make suggestions based on what they might enjoy or if they suggest them trying something different and can celebrate how many times they have read individually at home. If children are struggling to read at home this can also allow time for adults to set goals with children and ensure reading is a priority at home. Assessments during this time can also be made on fluency and where children are in regards to NC expectations. Children in need of additional support where possible will be read with in addition to their once a week read.


Each term we carry out a more summative type of assessment which is mirrored across the trust. This gives us additional evidence to say whether children are on track with their reading or not.

All pupils are also assessed using the school’s National Curriculum assessment grids and judged against year group criteria as either Emerging, On Track or Exceeding within a particular year group.


EYFS and KS1 have regularly phonics tracking taking place to identify gaps within learning.

Teachers in Years 2-6 also use past SAT papers to assess reading as this includes an element of reading comprehension. Year 1 pupils review past Phonics screening paper each term to see where gaps are within learning.


All assessments are discussed at teacher’s On Track Reviews and Data Tracking Meetings and reported annually in school reports.


Children are formally assessed, with standards reported to the Local Authority and the Government at the end of Foundation Stage, at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and at the end of Key Stage 2. Towards the end of Year 1 children carry out a phonics screening test to ensure they have acquired the necessary phonic knowledge to progress into Year 2. Children who do not pass this screening carry out it again in Year 2.


SEND support

To support our vulnerable readers, who despite varied efforts and approaches still do not make expected progress, we conduct more in depth additional assessments such as Phab tests, phonological reading speed tests, dyslexia screening etc… as well as referring them to an educational psychologist to review support is appropriately given. It may be that children are logged with initial concerns in line with our SEND policy. Additionally we may use resources such as coloured overlays, coloured paper, dyslexic friendly books or similar to support children’s learning.
