PIONEERS - Year 5/6 - Mrs Rooney
Welcome to our class page!
Here you will be able to see recent photos of the adventures we have been on in school together and find help with your homework. Check often to see what has been uploaded for you.
This is our class twitter page
Click on the link to see all the latest from Pioneer class!!
To get you started, here is a useful activity and this website has lots of games on to keep you busy:
Times Table Rockstars link:
Our recounts of Bude week
See what we have been learning...
Maths Subject Knowledge to learn by the end of Year 6!
Grammar and Punctuation Knowledge to learn by the end of Year 6!
Spelling lists
Please download the spelling documents below. It is important that pupils revise the Year 3/4 spellings, as well as the Year 5/6 spellings, as they need to be able to spell the words on both lists!
Do some practising at home using this website:
Year 5 and 6 spelling list
Year 3 and 4 spelling list
Year 6 Reading Spines - our recommended reads for each year group in the school
Building Learning Power
Resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and responsibility are really important learning skills and they should definitely be used in all of your learning. We use the 4Rs along with other learning success criteria in order to be the most effective learners possible.
The Character Council have worked together to look back at our 5Rs and have come up with some useful Mindset Habits that will help children to understand how they can improve their learning:
Challenge yourself
Have stickability and never give up
Get lost in learning
Think about what you can do
Tackle problems confidently
Learn from your mistakes
Be curious and ask questions
Always be positive and ready to learn
Read lots, learn lots
Work well with others
Learn from other people
Show active listening
Bring what you need to school every day.
Be responsible for your own learning
Be independent
Contact Miss Smith
If you have any questions or comments about our learning in year 6, please contact Miss Smith