Welcome to Oakthorpe Primary School
I would like to extend a warm welcome to Oakthorpe Primary School’s website where I hope you will find all of the information you need to learn about our lovely little school.
Oakthorpe Primary School sits at the heart of the village in Oakthorpe and is so much more than just a school- we are a family. We are made up of around 90 incredible pupils, a team of dedicated staff, supportive parents and our trust, Rise Multi Academy Trust. With the support of our extended family and the local community, we are able to ensure that Oakthorpe Primary School is an amazing place to be for learning, friendship and life-long memories.
Our school values of Dream..Believe..Achieve are fundamental in everything we do to ensure our children learn in an environment which inspires them to be the very best they can be. We are passionate about how we use Character Education and our 6Rs to help pupils aspire to be their ideal selves.
At Oakthorpe Primary School, we are incredibly lucky to have extensive school grounds, including a Wildlife area and large playing field, which create a wealth of opportunities for outdoor learning, sport’s events and are a great space for play. Our ‘Spinney’ is our on-site forest school area which is equipped with a fire circle, lots of trees for den building and array of mini-beasts to study.
If you would like to find out more about Oakthorpe Primary school, please visit our school Facebook page or X page as we try to post regularly to show key events in school. We welcome visitors to school and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any queries.
Warm regards,
Mrs Rachel Culpan
Welcome to Oakthorpe Primary

Our pupils' thoughts of Oakthorpe Primary School