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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Forest School

Forest School at Oakthorpe Primary


Forest School is a child-led learning process where frequent, regular play in the outdoor environment promotes play, exploration and creativity. Children are provided with a safe environment where they can take measured risks, try out new things and learn for themselves how to solve problems and build resilience. There is much evidence in research to show that this develops self-esteem and confidence in learners.  


At Oakthorpe we provide regular opportunities for our pupils to experience Forest School through our in-house Forest School sessions and with visiting local partners. We find that Forest School is an important addition to the National Curriculum in terms of providing opportunity to develop character and social skills.  


Things you might expect to see in a Forest School session: 

  • Games to promote social skills 

  • Challenges to develop resilience, problem solving and measured risk-taking 

  • Preparing and cooking food on an open fire 

  • Time for exploration of the environment 

  • Time for free play in groups or solitary 

  • Activities which develop knowledge about the environment, eg species of flora and fauna, geography and geology 

  • Tasks linked to the National Curriculum to enhance work in class.  


With special Thanks to The National Forest for funding our tools and equipment through their CF4L Grant.  



