What do our children say about the PSHCE?
Extract from Curriculum Monitoring by Governors (July 2019)
What do you think is special about our school? What does our school really value?
- Y4/5 – Our school is small, it’s less hectic and the staff care about every child. Everyone knows each other and there is no bullying. We’ve got lots of awards for using our positive emotions. We do a lot of sport and competitions.
- Y2/3 – At school everyone can be themselves as we all have different talents. It’s important to show positive emotions and use the 5Rs and the teachers spot us using these. At school we learn how to get on with others and share; everyone is very friendly.
- YR/1 – Everyone in our class works well together and our teachers help us to get better with our learning. Our friends are very special. At school we try to be responsible and resilient.
How do positive emotions and the 5Rs help you with your learning?
- Y4/5 – They help you to be more independent so you don’t need to ask a teacher straight away if you are stuck. The help you to look back and improve your work; you don’t have to worry if something is difficult as you can keep trying. They help you to cope if you have a challenge as you know it’s ok to persevere if you don’t know the answer straight away.
- Y2/3 – If we are stuck we can use them. They help you to reflect on a mistake and try again. They will help us when we grow up as we’ll be able to talk to people better.
- YR/1 – They help you to keep trying when something is difficult. We help each other to work nicely together and we have to be responsible when we tidy away.
Character Award Finalists 2015