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01530 270383 Arbor

Dream …Believe …Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Meeting - 17th September

Oakthorpe's new Leadership Council has been chosen!


The children in each class have been voting after listening to the children that wanted to become a member of the council. We have already had our first meeting and completed a Values Audit around the school to explore what we value in school and what is important to us.

The things that we saw around school shows that we value:

  • the 4Rs (resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness and reflection)
  • our art work and working together to do this
  • learning in other countries (e.g. China, Ghana)
  • learning habits
  • pupil voice
  • after school clubs
  • reading
  • all the children through the ideal selves


There are already things within school that they have spotted that they think could be improved. These include:

  • updating the Mastering Me display
  • making sure the corridor is tidy as the whole school values tidiness and respect
  • making the ideal self display even more inviting to show how much we really value it!


They cannot wait to get started!
